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Low Vision

Honored Guest

Hi, all. 

Hoping for some solutions or, perhaps, to be able to submit an accessibility request.  I am legally blind but am able to get around just fine and to read if close enough or with magnification.  My kids got me a Meta Quest 2 because I like flight simulators, and I really like the VR experience.  However, many things are difficult or, as far as I've so far determined, not yet possible.  I've searched pretty thoroughly on the web and in the settings.  I think the 3 main problems are:

1)  Many Quest menus can be moved around and closer but are still just out of my visual range, and when I lean in closer, they turn white.  Any way around that?

2)  Many Quest menus cannot be moved by me and just move away when I lean in, appearing to keep the same 'distance'.  Any way around that?

3)  Many games don't support the ability to move menus or zoom in / enlarge.  Is there a Quest-native (as opposed to in-game) ability to do that?

I'd sure appreciate any help, guidance, suggestions, etc., that I can get.  I very much want to make more and better use of what seems like a very cool thing.



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