11-12-2024 05:39 PM
It's interesting I get banned in a game for tagging someone that is all about TAGGING PEOPLE. But the people around me are using racist comments, making fun of others, sending inappropriate pictures (pornographic) in chats, beating others down till they cry, or telling others to off themselves.
But if you try to report them nothing happens. They just come at you and get you banned. This has left this platform run by a bunch of uneducated basised moderators who don't know what they are doing.
When you try to reach out to the chat forum for guidance you get ignored and zero help. They freeze you out to where you can't respond anymore. They won't fix the issue and you and still stuck with toxicity of horrible people they refuse to do anything about. Emad, Roland, Trisha, Maria, Marina, and Tariq all support these online bullies and refused to help. They didn't even care that racial slurs are being yelled at kids or they are being told kill themselves.
Maybe they should find a better job.
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