01-07-2025 03:16 PM
This is the absolute WORST customer support experience I have ever had with a major company. I purchased two Meta Quest 3 Units and accessories. Only one was delivered. The shipping label indicated that the box should weigh twice as much as it did, and the box was only large enough to fit one unit inside. Despite providing evidence of their mistake, they wasted HOURS of my time. There is no phone support, only chat and email. I spoke with over 20 different support agents over the course of 3 weeks and none could provide any assistance whatsoever. I kept being told that my case was "escalated to a specialized team for investigation." NEVER did I even receive a confirmation from this so-called team, let alone any status updates. It has now been over a month and I have still yet to hear back from anyone at Meta. Their service is a sham and a joke. I had to go to my bank to have them reverse the charges. Meta is a fraudulent, ignorant, and completely mismanaged company who will gladly take your money and leave you with no recourse or options when they screw you. I don't know if it is gross negligence or sheer incompetence, but I urge anyone considering purchasing anything from Meta to give your business to companies who don't make such egregious mistakes, or are at least willing to admit their faults and correct them in a timely manner. I will NEVER give another dime to Meta. Absolutely awful.
01-08-2025 05:40 AM
There is no specialized team. there never has been. You have been talking to a chatbot and any mention of a specialized team means it has given up on you.
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