07:23 PM
- last edited on
07:47 PM
I have an MQ3.
As the title says, as soon as I reach the explicit lyrics screen, clicking on Continue does nothing and won't let me proceed with the game.
I bought Beat Saber only a couple of days ago and no luck. Uninstalled, installed and still doesn't work. In contrast, the demo for beat saber is working fine.
09-30-2024 08:02 PM
Hi there, we see you may be experiencing some issues with Beat Saber and being able to play with explicit lyrics.
Here are a few potential reasons why you might be having trouble:
I hope this helps, if not please get back to us or submit a bug report.
09-30-2024 08:27 PM
No, not using a parent restricted account. Game is fully updated as is the device.
09-30-2024 08:39 PM
Hey again, if you go into settings and then other settings there is a toggle for explicit content.
If it is toggled on you won't be able to access any explicit content on your Beat Sabre account.
If that still hasn't fixed the issue please get back to us.
09-30-2024 10:08 PM
From that I understood to head into the MQ3 device settings... and so I did that, but there is no 'other settings'. So loaded up Beat Saber and it takes you through the health and safety warning section and then onto the Excplicit Content Warning section and once again, irrespective if I toggle the explicit content on or off, the Continue button does not work and therefore I cannot continue. So I'm not sure where I might be able to access the Settings/Other Settings (if indeed you are refering to the Beat Saber app....)
09-30-2024 10:24 PM
Hi again,
Thanks for getting back to us, the settings we were referring to were in Beat saber.
Hope this is able to resolve the issue for you.
09-30-2024 10:36 PM
Cannot access Settings at since the Continue button at the Explicit Lyrics warning section does not allow you to continue.
I'll describe Beat Sabers behaviour. New user as I purchased the game on 30th September. When loading Beat Saber, it takes you through Language, Region, Health and Safety Warnings to which you choose and agree and then to. The Explicit Lyrics warning section. Its right here that the Continue button does not work. There is no other option other than toggling Explicit Lrycs on or off but tyegardless, Continue will not allow one to continue. That's it.
09-30-2024 10:44 PM
Hi again, so we can see what is going wrong, can you please give us a screen shot of what you are seeing?
To take a screenshot,
You'll hear a click sound and see a red dot on the screen, indicating that the screenshot has been taken.
To send a screenshot from your Meta Quest 3 to your phone, follow these steps:
Hope to hear back from you soon.
10-01-2024 12:06 AM
I took a small video as a static photo doesn't show much and then realised the video can't be uploaded from a device or computer - only from a URL. But anyway, here are the photos both with the toggle 0 and 1.
10-01-2024 12:14 AM
Hmm, this doesn't seem right...
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Beat Saber app? If not, please try this out and then reboot your headset.
Let us know how this goes. We look forward to hearing back from you!
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