04-20-2022 12:51 PM
My situation is as follows, and occurs regardless of whether I am using air link or a link cable. This began after Oculus quest software version 37 was upgraded to v39.
I am connected to my pc and viewing the desktop. I launch Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and about half way through the load process my link connection freezes. Hitting alt-tab on an attached keyboard to move “focus” from MSFS to anything else restores the link connection and I can use the desktop through the VR headset again. Any restoration of focus to the MSFS window results in an immediate freeze of my link connection. This is reliably repeatable.
Again, I had no issues playing Flight Simulator 2020 in VR when running Oculus Software version 37, but as soon as I got my update to Oculus Software Version 39, I could no longer play Flight Simulator 2020 in VR.
Steps I've taken that have not resolved the issue:
Reinstalled FS2020
Downgraded to Windows 10.
Changed my registry key for the VR runtimes to SteamVR, then OculusVR, then WMR, then back to OculusVR.
Re-upgraded to windows 11.
Tried all three registry changes for the VR runtimes again.
My current hardware is:
I'd like to try to downgrade to oculus quest software version 37 again but I don't know where to get the files and am not sure if I need to downgrade just the quest 2 with an APK or the Desktop application or both.
Any ideas?
Solved! Go to Solution.
07-03-2022 11:37 AM
Ok, I have an update. It's working perfectly now. I got update 41 a couple days ago and was encouraged by a brief ability to play FS2020 for about a minute before the screen locked up and my FA-18 crashed into the ground. After that I couldn't play at all. I checked my nvidia experience app again and found that there was just recently an update to the game ready driver. I had issues with the nvidia experience app failing to download the updated driver. Shortly after that I went to the nvidia site and downloaded the latest game ready driver for my video card and installed it. Since doing that this morning, I have been able to play and restart and play again countless times today and am back flying in VR with no issue. I even did Mach 10 in the Darkstar and can confirm the absolute altitude limit in the game is just above 275,000 ft. Please give this a try if you haven't already. If you are running a 3070 or probably any 30 series RTX card, you should install version 516.59. As part of the install of the driver from the direct download from the website it looked like it replaced the nvidia control panel and geforce experience. I'm not sure replacing those apps made any difference but thought you'd like to know exactly what changed.
Good luck and let me know if this worked for you!
04-20-2022 03:21 PM
Hey TheOriginalPsychron! Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We'd love to get your MSFS 2020 to work properly! First we would like to make sure of the following to see if these could be causing MSFS 2020 to freeze up! Please check the following:
After you have made sure that you meet all of the above, we then recommend checking to see if you have the most up-to-date Oculus Drivers! Please complete the following steps:
We hope this helps! If not, please consider submitting a support ticket through the link here: https://metaque.st/Support! There we will be able to do more in-depth troubleshooting, we'll be able to request log files as we cannot receive files in our Community Forums. With the log files, we will be able to take a deeper look into what could be causing this to happen! Here is a link to an article describing the steps in order to collect your log files: How to Collect Log Files! The steps you'll need will be the 2nd half of steps, not the setup logs! When submitting your support ticket, please attach your Log files and include all the steps you have taken in attempt to get this issue resolved to speed up the process!
04-28-2022 07:11 AM
Well, I followed all these steps and opened a ticket with support. They have collected logs from me 4 times and I am now waiting while they do additional research. The ETA on that is 3-5 days. We'll see what happens, but so far, nothing has worked.
05-03-2022 01:26 PM
Following as I have the exact same issue. It was working just fine before and now the headset freezes. I've done all of the above steps as well with no resolution.
05-03-2022 02:27 PM
Would love to know how you opened a ticket. I just tried to get support through Chat and they told me that Flight sim isn't supported and they couldn't help.
05-04-2022 09:14 AM
I avoid chat as the primary contact method for reasons like that and others. I opened a request and attached the log files, then basically copied and pasted my post almost verbatim into the support request. So far, I have heard nothing back after being told they would require a few more days to investigate. I think today makes business day 5 which was the max extent of the notified waiting period before they got back to me. I'll see what happens. As with any support department, you have to get past the front lines who may or may not be interested in doing their job by trying repeatedly until you get someone who actually cares about supporting the customer base. I think the most important thing to remind them of, this worked under version 37 and has been broken since the oculus version 38 software release.
05-06-2022 04:56 AM
Well this is the response I got:
"I see here that you were currently using a Windows 11. Relatively, I'd like to let you know that Windows 11 is currently not supported by any Meta products. With that being said, I highly suggest you to please try to revert your operating system to Windows 10...."
I've worked in I.T. for close to 30 years. Never in my career would I suggest to someone to revert their entire **bleep**ing operating system. What an absolute joke. What average user would even know how to do that? I sent them a response with some choice colorful metaphors and will be looking for a different headset.
05-06-2022 05:56 AM
I've been in IT for about the same amount of time. I agree with you. Suggesting Windows 11 isn't supported is the lazy way out, used by people who don't want to do the work. Luckily for me, due to early adopter fears, the system I had was just updated to 11 and I had the ability to downgrade, so when they gave me that line, I reverted to 10, reinstalled everything, went through all the same steps they'd given me before, and provided additional logs. That's where I am now. Waiting for them to reply. Like you, I am tempted to look for another headset if this is the kind of support we're going to get.
06-10-2022 04:46 PM
Agree with the statement. Downgrading to an older operating system is simply wrong advice. Feels like a hack to run legacy software. Oculus team please resolve this as the FS2020 VR experience was one of the primary reasons of buying the Quest 2.
07-03-2022 11:37 AM
Ok, I have an update. It's working perfectly now. I got update 41 a couple days ago and was encouraged by a brief ability to play FS2020 for about a minute before the screen locked up and my FA-18 crashed into the ground. After that I couldn't play at all. I checked my nvidia experience app again and found that there was just recently an update to the game ready driver. I had issues with the nvidia experience app failing to download the updated driver. Shortly after that I went to the nvidia site and downloaded the latest game ready driver for my video card and installed it. Since doing that this morning, I have been able to play and restart and play again countless times today and am back flying in VR with no issue. I even did Mach 10 in the Darkstar and can confirm the absolute altitude limit in the game is just above 275,000 ft. Please give this a try if you haven't already. If you are running a 3070 or probably any 30 series RTX card, you should install version 516.59. As part of the install of the driver from the direct download from the website it looked like it replaced the nvidia control panel and geforce experience. I'm not sure replacing those apps made any difference but thought you'd like to know exactly what changed.
Good luck and let me know if this worked for you!
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