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(Meta 3 + cable connection to pc)= pc - wifi

Honored Guest


I am trying to connect to Side Quest, and whenever I connect my Quest 3 via a cable to the PC, the Wifi disconnects on my PC...?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hiya, @amghumlosh! We understand that you're facing some difficulties with your PC when connecting your Meta headset via link cable, correct? Well, we'd love to help you the best we can and get you back on track. We'd like to ask a few questions to get a bit more insight on where this hiccup could have occurred. Are you connecting through a link cable directly to your PC or through an air link via wifi connection? Are you getting any error messages regarding the network connection? If so, please provide us with a screenshot. Have you ever been able to successfully connect? If so, what has changed since then? Additionally, we'd like to avoid any repetition in this troubleshooting process, so we kindly ask that you let us know what troubleshooting steps you've exhausted on your end. We look forward to hearing back and getting you back into the wonderful world of VR!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Knock-knock! Just passing by to see if you're still having this experience. We know this is taking time away from being able to use your device in their full capacity. However, don't hesitate in reaching back out for assistance!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hi, sorry for the late reply, just noticed it...

Unfortunately it does this when I try to connect using a link cable directly to my PC. It doesn't show any error msgs,,, just disconnects my Pc from my LAN..


I will try to provide you with some screenshots when ready 

Thanks for letting us know! We did want to mention that since we don't support any third-party software such as SideQuest, we recommend reaching out to their support here for further assistance with that type of software. However, we absolutely want to do everything we can to make sure your headset is functioning properly and is able to maintain a PC connection, so we'd love to try helping with that aspect! To clarify, what specifically are you attempting to do when connecting your headset to a PC? Are you transferring files? Also, does this issue happen with other USB ports on your PC? Keep us updated and we can continue from there! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

Thanks for the reply,,,
Actually this problem is not related to SideQuest only, it is a general issue with my device.
I am unable to connect my computer the my Quest 3, providing that I tried more than 4 USB ports but didn't work.

But the purpose of trying to connect to my PC is I want to use the full potential of my Meta device, maybe I will be transferring files, or I may want to watch what is being running on the headset on my monitor.

I still have the problem and I am unable to connect it to the PC.
Thank you.

Alright, we appreciate you confirming that, @amghumlosh! To clarify a bit more, what exactly is happening when connecting your headset? Is the Wi-Fi on your PC disconnecting with every port you've tried? Are you receiving the pop-up to "Allow Access Data" for this device on your PC? Please let us know! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hey, hey @amghumlosh! We're checking in to make sure you were able to get that PC Wi-Fi issue with Quest Link sorted out, or if you've run into any further trouble with that at all. We'd like to make sure everything went smoothly for you along the way, so please don't hesitate to reach back out! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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