01-01-2025 05:33 PM
My meta account situation is a total disaster.
I've had a Facebook account since it required a .edu email address. Needless to say I don't have access to it anymore, but it is not possible to remove this email address from my account because the only way to do it is to enter the code it is sending to that email address! The server that the account was on has long been decommissioned since "the cloud" became a thing.
I have my current email address on there, which works for logging into Facebook, I guess.
Anyway when I went to the Meta Horizon app after getting the Quest 3, I tried to use the "log in with Facebook" option, but that just opened my Facebook feed and would not continue in the app. When I went back and selected "log in with email" it apparently created a Meta account with the same email address I use to log into my Facebook account, but it is a different account that doesn't have any of my purchases on it.
01-02-2025 08:11 PM
Well to anyone else who winds up in this situation, I think I have it mostly resolved now.
I was able to delete my old college email address off my old account, turns out that for whatever reason an Instagram profile also linked to it was preventing it. Once I deleted the Instagram profile I was almost able to delete the old email address - of course since the Horizon app created this other useless account with my current email address I had to go through some nonsense with creating a new Gmail account (I tried multiple email accounts and none of them were getting codes sent, only Gmail). I changed the email address on the new Meta account to this throwaway Gmail account, then I was able to change my email address on my old account to my current email address.
I still have to keep this stupid new account because the free Batman game is on it, it serves no other purpose... Except maybe one...
After all this I get a notification that my account will be suspended because I am under 13 years old. This was surprising since my Facebook account is more than 13 years old. So I have to pay a dollar with my credit card, then it tells me to enter the code displayed on my device... Of course there isn't any code there.
Now I can't get back to the verification, I just get a blank page so I have no idea what happened. It charged me a dollar (twice!) but there's no indication it's been resolved.
This is a complete Kafkaesque mess. Whoever designed this auth system should be fired out of a cannon.
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