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Meta Horizon account Suspended after Facebook recovery – Need Urgent Help


I am reaching out here because I am facing an issue with my Meta Horizon account, and I hope this post can help bring some attention to my case (and help others).

Recently, my Facebook account was hacked, and the attacker linked my Facebook account to an Instagram account that was not mine. This Instagram account apparently did not comply with Meta’s policies, which resulted in my Facebook account being disabled.

After exchanging emails with Meta Support (Facebook), I was able to verify my identity, prove ownership, and successfully regain access to my Facebook account. However, while my Facebook issue has been fully resolved, I still cannot access my Meta Horizon account.

When I try to log in, I receive a message stating that my account has been suspended due to my Instagram account. The problem is that the Instagram account in question was not mine and has already been unlinked from my profile.

I have already contacted MetaQuestSupport via private message, hoping that will help move things forward. I sincerely apologize if posting here is not the right approach, but I am genuinely concerned about losing access to my account.

I would really appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue. Thank you in advance for your time and support!

Best regards.



I have the exact same problem!
Someone linked their Instagram to my facebook, and my FB got suspended.
Got my FB back now, but Meta wants me to log in to that hacker IG so I can enter my Meta Horizon profile....

For now, I have reached out to @MetaQuestSupport via private message, and they have been very quick in reviewing my case. At this moment, they have escalated it to another support department, and I am currently waiting to be contacted. I will keep this thread updated so that others can see if this specific issue can be resolved through this process.

Where did you send them a private message?

Here, in the forum. Find this profile and private message them @MetaQuestSupport

Did it take long before they responded to you?

Couple minutes actually. Still waiting for the Support team mail to solve this out anyways.


My account has suffered the same... I have 176 days to appeal something on an Instagram that I do not own otherwise all my life's memories will be deleted because some hacked decided to link their spam account or something to my facebook

Same here. I am literally shaking and panicking because most of my life is recorded there and I do not want to lose it all because of some spam bot or something

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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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