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Meta Horizon iOS app login issues

Honored Guest

I have an existing Oculus/Meta account that is linked to my Facebook, Instagram, and email. When trying to login to the Meta Horizon app, I login with email, get the code, enter the code, am still then asked to enter my password, and THEN asked what my email address is. Ok, I just logged in using it, but whatever. Then I am told I cannot use my email address to create an account because it’s already associated with a Meta account. Well, obviously and I’m not trying to create a new account!

I have deleted and reinstalled the app, both from my Home Screen and through Settings>General>iPhone Storage>delete app and data, but I cannot get past the login prompt. Logging into my meta account works just fine using my browser, but I cannot add a device through browser, which is what I’m trying to do. This is SO FRUSTRATING please help!!!


Honored Guest

Did you get this figured out? I’m having the same problem and it’s very frustrating 

Honored Guest

I am having the same problem. PLEASE HELP! I tried reinstalling the app and even tried a factory reset on the quest 3s  Now I can’t use the headset after the reset bc I can’t login to the horizon app. Please help. 🙏 

Honored Guest

Same issue here. I’m able to log into the web portal just fine with my meta account. I had a different device working fine with the Meta Horizon app, but got a new phone and on re login continuously tells me the email can’t be used to create an account. 

Honored Guest

How can I get this resolved? Is there a phone number or a representative that I can talk to figure this out? Going on 4 days now with no response….

Honored Guest

Agreed, would be nice to have someone from support provide some help on this. 

Honored Guest

3rd post! Please some support on what to do. This is the first time I bought from Meta and I think it’s going to be my last. Bought this for my son for Christmas and we can’t even use it bc you need to use the meta horizon app to start up the goggles?! What an awful process. Please someone help so my son can use what I paid 400$ for

Honored Guest

Anyone out there from support? This is obviously an issue for people. Can we get some kind of indication that this issue has been seen by Meta?

Honored Guest

We have the same problem. Interestingly I can login with my child’s supervised account, but not mine. Also, it works on our iPad but not my iPhone—both have updated software. It appears to be an iPhone issue. I cannot get any support help as well. 

Honored Guest

It appears to be an iOS version issue.
See the following solution:

The problem for some will be that they will not be able to upgrade their iOS version passed 15 so older iOS versions may not be compatible with the latest Meta Horizon app update.

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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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