12-30-2022 12:02 PM
Problem: I wanted to try getting SideQuest in order to play PCVR. I checked to see if my PC had the required parts and it did, but SideQuest said I needed to enable developer mode. I found this odd, since on my PC I had already made an organization on the Meta developer site. I went to then enable it on my phone to see that my headset was not connected and apparently not found.
I have tried:
12-30-2022 12:12 PM
Hello, @ImNotCodPlats We appreciate you bringing your problems to our attention. We understand how important this may be to you, However, the fact that side quest violates the terms and conditions we do not recommend that you use this program.
12-30-2022 12:16 PM
@MetaQuestSupport do you know any other way to use games on side quest without directly using it?
12-30-2022 12:49 PM
We understand your desire to use side quest, but we are unable to assist you with any troubleshooting because Side Quest is not a supported feature for any problems involving third-party systems. You would have to outsource for information.
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