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Meta Quest 2 saying 0% charge in link app when at 90% in stand alone

Honored Guest

so I had a quest 2 for like 2 years using it on off in that time. But I wanted to use it through the pc vr connection via link cable. but when I go to check the meta quest link app on my computer for my quest 2, it shows active with the red X like its at 0% battery but in headset It works just fine for standalone and is around 90%.

I attempted to fix the issue with other posts of similar problems but none of the known fixes have worked.

any Idea of how to fix this.

Screenshot 2025-01-06 150152.png



Expert Trustee

@S_staion  does the headset still work in PCVR mode even though the link software says the battery is flat?

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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