01-07-2025 07:01 PM
Help.. My my young son received a Meta Quest 2 last year for Christmas of 2023. It has worked perfect and without any issues until a couple of days ago when he turned it on and all he seen was a black screen, I researched this issue online and I seen that many people have been experiencing this issue and many people stated they just reset the factory settings on many on the Meta Quest and it started working again. I also see based on your Meta web site that Meta Quest done some type of update that has cause what sounds exactly like this issue my son is having with his Meta Quest. I have tried resetting the factory settings and I see a the Blue Meta image logo spinning and then a SD Card/Chip image appears with a down load bar below it that turns green as it downloads. I then see a silver circle that states erasing and then the screen goes black again and then the Blue Meta image logo reappears. After several seconds the screen then goes black again. We can not get the game to work . Please help, this has been a great device and I even like to use it but again for some unknown reason it just stopped working and started all this out of no where a couple of days ago when my son turned it on to start playing with it. please someone help me walk through the fixing of this Meta Quest 2. Thank you.
01-07-2025 07:11 PM
Good Luck Huddy. The software update that Meta forced onto all its consoles is causing the problem. Even though Meta caused the issue, if your system is out of warranty then it seems they will not help. My Quest 2 is bricked -- will not power on. Meta basically told me too bad I didn't have the extended warranty.
I assume Meta will continue to use this trick -- intentionally kill the consoles that are out of warranty.
I hope you have better luck -- I'm looking for a non Meta VR.
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