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Meta Quest 2 won't pair - brand new out of box

Honored Guest

We just opened the Meta Quest 2 box and it is stuck on the pairing screen.  We tried to pair it to 2 different devices (iPhone and iPad).  We followed all the troubleshooting tips - restart, power down, delete and reinstall app etc.  No luck!  Any advice?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey Terri.164431! We see that you are having pairing issues with your new device. This is definitely not how we want your experience with us to start off and we would like to work with you to get this looked into as soon as possible. Could you please go here and create a support ticket so you can be connected with one of our specialists who will go over all available options for you. We hope to hear from you soon. 



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Honored Guest

Hi Terri

Not sure if you got this fixed yet?  If you are using an Iphone try this instead.

I had the exact same problem with 2 meta quest 2 headsets.  The only way to get them working at the moment is

1)  Find a friend with a Android phone.

2) Get them to log out of their facebook account.

3) Download and install the "OCULUS QUEST APP" on the Android phone.

4) Login to the andriod app and pair the headset to the android phone and finish the setup.

5) Log out of the android phone oculus app and remove the App from the Android phone.

6 log into your Iphone using the "META APP" and you will be good to go.

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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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