a month ago
I have a Meta Quest 3, and recently purchased the game Red Matter. I have a supervised profile for my son, and I see the game in his library when using his account, but when attempting to open the game, it sends an approval request, but when I have the option to approve, it indicates that I have to purchase the game at full price despite already purchasing it. Is there a way to determine if there is an actual issue, or if the game does not support App Sharing? From what I have researched (I can't find much), but I did find this page that indicates that it is supported with App Sharing: https://casandchary.com/oculus-quest-app-sharing-list/#
Thank you!
a month ago
I had the very same problem and eventually I just went down the purchase and turned out I don‘t have to pay. Obviously it‘s just the only way to finish the process. And yes, I hate it too. 😉 I hope Meta will repair this. Seems they have some issues with child accounts…
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