12-21-2024 05:52 AM
Hello Community and Meta Support Team,
I am writing to report multiple issues I have encountered with my Meta Quest 3 after the v72 update. Below are the details:
I connected my Quest 3 to my PC to install SideQuest. During this process:
Afterward, I noticed a 360MB update available and manually installed it to upgrade to v72.
Since then, I have encountered the following problems:
Despite these efforts, the issues persist.
I have attached screenshots to show some of the interface changes and inconsistencies I noticed.
Thank you in advance for your assistance. I appreciate your time and support.
Best regards,
12-22-2024 07:24 AM
i have many issues with v72... currently suspect hardware.. but i am waiting perhaps a rollback or a sofeware fix before proccess further.. i tried sideload firmware upgrade, but not downgrade.
12-26-2024 12:37 AM
Likewise have black screen after v72 update. Keep being in an update loop. Hard resets does not help. Updating again via software tool does not help (although the steps work perfectly). Whatever I try and after each reset or install, I still always see again a floppy and a download starting up after which another restart, seeing the horizon meta OS logo turning and then black and death. Completely stuck.
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