09:02 AM
- last edited on
09:03 AM
Hello everyone, I know a lot of people have had this problem but I can't seem to find a solution, it happens to me more often when playing Blade & Sorcery: Nomad but it will just randomly crash saying "Low Memory".
Was trying to play it last night but crashed about 3 times within about 5 minutes of each other every time.
10-17-2024 09:46 AM - edited 10-17-2024 09:47 AM
Hey there,
Welcome to the community forum, thank you for posting 😀
This is seemingly a RAM related issue there are a few steps we can attempt to hopefully lead to a resolution:
You could also attempt a hard reboot:
You may also want to submit a bug report: Report a problem on Meta Quest.
It may be worth reaching out to the developers of Blade & Sorcery Nomad as well, you can do so using the link below:
Hopefully you will be able to enjoy your games with no further interruptions again soon!
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