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Meta Quest 3 - Mic not working // Not able to find clear cache


Quest 3 - Recording video at the Universal menu - no sound on recordings

No Apps running.
No USB Cable, No Air link
Mic's are not blocked,  Mic is showing available in settings.
Mic is turned on at the Recording menu.
I'm recording (red dot on) at the Universal menu.
MY voice "does not" record, video is fine - but no sound.
I've done the reset where you hold the power button down for 30's.
I've powered off and back on multiple times.
Support wants me to Clear Cache by holding Power and Volume Down to enter Boot Menu
Choices at Boot Menu:
Boot Device
Device Info
Factory Reset
Sideload Update
Power Off
Need help with locating Clear Cache
I have asked support - but they keep repeating the same steps:
  • Power off your headset, then hold down the Power button and Volume Down button together to enter the boot menu.
  • Use the volume buttons to navigate to Clear Cache and select it.

It's not in the menu... or in the other options sub menus

Any Help as to where Clear Cache is I would appreciate.  Thanks



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