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Meta Quest 3 - Serious: impossible to store two boundaries (stationary and room scale) in the room

Honored Guest

It is essential that Meta Quest 3 can store two boundaries (stationary and room scale) in the same room.
This is now impossible: only one type of boundary is stored at a time.
Consequence: every time you want to switch from using room scale to stationary or from stationary to room scale you have to redraw the boundary.
This is extremely annoying.
I beg Meta Quest to urgently solve this very serious problem.

Another problem, which concerns not the boundaries but the ‘mapping’ of the entire room (floor, walls, furniture, ceiling, etc.): Meta Quest 3 often ‘forgets’ the position of the scanned room, positioning it incorrectly and forcing the user to rescan the entire room.
Please solve this problem as well.

Thanks! 🙂

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