12-25-2024 09:20 AM
Hi, I am a new user of Meta Quest 3, I have installed the Workrooms app and the Meta Quest Remote desktop.
My mac says device ready (on the Meta Quest Remote Desktop app) and the Workrooms app does recognises the Mac yet when I hit connect it stays connecting always but not establishing the connection.
I'm on a 5Ghz WiFi (Same network for Mac and MQ3), all permissions were given in the Mac for the Remote Desktop app.
Any clue ? It is an M2 Chip MacbookPro.
01-02-2025 07:00 AM
have you found a solution yet? im having the same issue, the circle just keeps spinning but nothing happens.
i tried:
reinstalling the mac and oculus apps
disabling VPN
restarting both devices
disabling firewalls and threat protection apps
changing the resolution to 1080p
disabling external monitors
still nothing seems to help
01-16-2025 03:48 PM
Never been able to connect workrooms to my Mac Studio M1 Max either
2 weeks ago
I have the same issue, on win 10/pc. Was able to connect Remote Desktop till january 4. Then everything seemed ready, quest and pc, then nothing connect, with quest saying pc not ready. Did everything, restarted, reinstalled, etc etc. I can ping the quest from my pc, and the desktop companion is never listening to the ip of my quest.
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