01-21-2024 05:45 PM
Is a fitpack for Quest 3 being developed, and if so, what is the expected release date?
The default face pad is extremely uncomfortable causing pain/aches when used for more than 15 mins.
01-29-2024 01:38 PM
Hey there @GTForce_NM! There has not been an official release date on the fit pack for a Quest 3. However, we do highly encourage for you to consistently check this website here for further updates, as well as this website here. We are hoping to continue to advance our VR products to be suitable to all of our community, and cannot wait for further updates overall! Please let us know if you have future questions/concerns, and we will be more than happy to continue assisting you on this.
01-30-2024 01:43 PM
Hey hey! Just checking in on you to see how everything was going! We wanted to let you know we are still here if you needs and/or have any further questions!
10-10-2024 09:29 PM
Still no fit pack or a wide-face pad available!
Very disappointed, as I cannot really use my headset more than 10-15 mins!
3 weeks ago
Have the exact problem, major head ache after 20 minutes. I should not have change my quest 2 for the quest 3. We absolutely need a wider face mask option 😞
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