I'm starting a new thread because I saw some old threads on this issue and the advice in those threads didn't help me. The last time I used my Quest 3 was in December and it was working fine then. I just tried to use it in VRChat and no one could hear me. When I looked at the microphone levels, they were reaching around 3 or 4% when I was speaking at a normal volume. I had to drop the threshold down to 0% so anyone could hear me.
I left and updated the hardware to v72 - same issue. I tried rebooting the device and still the same problem. Over the last two months, the headset has been in its box in my cupboard, so no chance of unusual damage that I can think of.
I have seen this note, so I assume it is a waiting game at this point.
"Your mic may not function properly when using Meta Quest with Meta Quest Link. We plan to fix this in the next few updates. Please review our official software release notes for any future updates."
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