06-25-2024 03:41 PM - last edited on 07-06-2024 08:55 AM by TheLegend27
i recently upgraded to quest 3 and went to go try mx bikes VR and was confused why the world wasn't projecting right, the world moves around with my head movement, it works with beam ng VR but not mx bikes, and i went and tried it with my sisters quest 2 and it worked fine, so why doesn't it work with my quest 3
Solved! Go to Solution.
06-26-2024 05:09 PM
Hey, @YSN227! Hope you're doing well! We just wanted to touch base and ensure you've been able to get everything working as normal. If you're still running into issues, don't hesitate to reach back out with those details. We're here to help make sure you're all set!
06-25-2024 04:17 PM
Hi there, @YSN227! We absolutely get the importance of having seamless gameplay in VR, so we appreciate you bringing that distortion issue to our attention! To help us get a better grasp of the situation and what might be causing it, we'd like to ask a few questions before we dive in here. When you get the chance, please go through and answer the following for us:
06-26-2024 05:09 PM
Hey, @YSN227! Hope you're doing well! We just wanted to touch base and ensure you've been able to get everything working as normal. If you're still running into issues, don't hesitate to reach back out with those details. We're here to help make sure you're all set!
07-05-2024 04:26 AM
No, i reached out to them but bo response, still a warped screen on the quest 3
07-06-2024 10:40 AM
Thank you for letting us know that you have reached out to the developers of the game regarding this issue. We understand that this is not the kind of experience you are hoping for. Please always feel free to reach out to us if the game isn't causing the issue. We are always more than happy to assist our fellow Meta family members. Thank you!
07-07-2024 04:41 AM
Yeah its ok, do you think that its a problem with the new pancake lenses and mx bikes not updating the vr support for the quest 3?
07-09-2024 02:09 PM
Hey @YSN227. There isn't a difinitive answer on your question since the gmae is a STEAM based game which is a 3rd party. You can check out the link here to reach out to them. Hope this is resourceful!
a month ago
I have the same issue with my quest 3 & varjo headset also with mxbikes distortion profile being out, the headsets that worked for me is pimax 5k+ ,8k, crystal ,hp reverb, vive pro. Piboso needs to fix it it's not the headset
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