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Meta Quest 3s Link Doesnt work


Hello, I would like to report an issue with my brand new Meta Quest 3s. I purchased this last week and have been trying everything to get the link feature to work but nothing has worked. It just gets stuck on the meta logo with three dots. It does this with both my link cable and air link. It also says that the connection is good everything. I remember it used to work on my Meta Quest 2 but it wont work on the Meta Quest 3s. I have a 3060 GPU and my CPU is "12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700F 2.10 GHz." I also have 16 GB of RAM. I made a post like this a few days ago but nobody responded so I hope someone can answer this asap.



@marksonzuccson  have you tried the SteamLink or Virtual Desktop apps to connect the headset to the PC wirelessly?

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

I have tried those and yes they work to an extent but i want to be able to use it plugged in so I dont have to worry about internet connection

@marksonzuccson  meta seem to be doing their very best to bork Link/Airlink with every update to the headset and PC software. They may have even removed the 3060 from the supported cards list. If the launch button is greyed out -

 If you are experiencing a grayed out button when attempting to launch Air Link or Link, please follow these troubleshooting steps: Put on the Meta Quest headset. Go to "Settings" then select "System". Scroll down to find "Quest Link" and toggle it off, then back on again. Try launching Air Link or Link again.

There are other options to connect the headset to the PC like D-Link  or the Puppis S1 adaptors.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

@oculusness wrote:

@marksonzuccson  meta seem to be doing their very best to bork Link/Airlink with every update to the headset and PC software. They may have even removed the 3060 from the supported cards list. If the launch button is greyed out -

 If you are experiencing a grayed out button when attempting to launch Air Link or Link, please follow these troubleshooting steps: Put on the Meta Quest headset. Go to "Settings" then select "System". Scroll down to find "Quest Link" and toggle it off, then back on again. Try launching Air Link or Link again.

There are other options to connect the headset to the PC like D-Link  or the Puppis S1 adaptors.

The launch button is not greyed out, I can launch it but all I see is the meta logo with three white dots. Steam VR recognizes that the vr is there but theres nothing on the screen except the dots

Link/Airlink is broken, if you know anyone with a more powerful GPU to try in your system may be worth a go. Getting a dedicated router to plug into your PC  just for PCVR will make VD work well, and you ca always message the bots at meta quest support.  

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

My GPU has enough power to run VR games, I know that for sure, and I don't want to have to buy another thing for my VR to function as intended. If there is no way to fix it I will just return the Quest and buy a different VR.

@marksonzuccson  I don't know if you've seen this, but it allows you to use the Virtual Desktop app to connect to your PC using the link cable. It looks a little involved but it may get you up and running in PCVR again.

Setup tutorial for the unnoficial Virtual Desktop bridge via link cable, for the best possible conne...

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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