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Meta Quest 3s black screen.

Honored Guest

Hi, my Quest 3s, told me that it could not determine my location and to continue or turn on travel mode. But there was no way to select continue. So I did a factory reset, now the device has trouble booting up and repeatedly tries to boot. Sometimes it does and you can hear the set up music playing but a back screen. The controllers don’t seem to do anything and rebooting just does the same thing over again. 
It’s only about 3 weeks old. What shall I do? 


Rising Star

When at the black screen, tap the power button once, wait 5 seconds then tap it again.

I know just enough about tech to look like I know what I'm doing.

Thanks for the reply, but that hasn’t worked. Since the factory reset, the device tries to boot up 4times and then on the 5th goes to a black screen, controllers buzz. But nothing, 

It feels like a serious issue. 

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