12-16-2024 01:19 PM
I have contacted support about this Meta Quest+ 6 month promo which consistently scrolls in my Horizon Feed. Clicking the ad takes me to a 3-month trial. To make a long story short, support says it's a system error and has credited me $10. They explained this promo is not available now and it's a system error. I have requested they elevate the issue and at least credit me $30 (for six months of Meta Quest+, or give me the 6 months. The relevant part of the e-mail "I understand your perspective, but according to our internal protocol, system issues alone are not sufficient to justify granting store credit. If the subscription had been granted before the system issue was corrected and later revoked, compensation would be warranted. However, since the issue was resolved before any requests were processed, compensation is not required, it was provided as a courtesy because we value your loyalty. I understand that this is not the outcome you were anticipating and for this I hope for your kind understanding." I still receive the advertisement.
Am I being unreasonable requesting they honor the promo? 6-month trial offer 16DEC2024 and I am unable to take advantage of it.
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