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Meta Quest App not working

Honored Guest



Hi there, I seem to be having an issue with the Meta Quest Link app on my PC.

I've been trying to solve this for a long time now, I've tried resetting, restarting my PC, reinstalling, repairing, to no avail. This is what happens after the Meta Quest Link app shows that I'm about to create an account. It exits, restarts and then this. Nothing comes up even after waiting for around an hour. Pic as context.

My specs:

Intel i5-11400F cpu

RTX Geforce 3060 gpu

Meta Quest 2 headset

For some extra context, the headset is second hand but it works fine, it's the app on my PC that's the issue. I've tried Meta Support, Reddit, everything. Please help, I just wanna play some Blade And Sorcery/VRchat with a wired connection, man.



Screenshot 2025-01-02 014604.png

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