04-24-2024 07:50 AM
Just purchased a Meta Quest $50 gift card and received a 16 digits code for it...which of course is not working!
Then I saw on the forum that tons of people went through this ordeal, some of them 2 years back!
Since there is basically no support on Meta, nor any options related to "gift cards", I contacted Amazon and the agent issued a refund as soon as I stated my problem, which let me deduct that they knew about this 16 digits code problem.....However, I suspect not everyone are pursuing a refund, especially if the recipient of the gift card is not the one who purchased the card. I just think that this is border line a "scam"....Will be digging into it, it's a total failure and let down from Meta...Unbelievable...
04-26-2024 08:23 AM
Hi @gapehorn.706408 🙂
I'm sorry to hear that you have probems with a gift card.
I don't know if some countries have other than 16 digit code.
I can redeem a 16 digit code just fine .....i did that just a few days ago.
So, it's not a "scam".
04-27-2024 10:50 PM
Hi @Choleni . I didn't say it's a scam, I said it's borderline scam. I said that because I noticed this issue has been going on for couple years, and from what I read on the forums numerous buyers who got a 16 digits code can't redeem and just give up not to say if it was a recipient of the gift card, they will give up even more easily. As in my case, I complained to Amazon and they refunded me AS SOON as I stated the problem, meaning that they are well aware of this problem. If this is a known problem (not working in some countries, or not working outside of the US etc...) why do these platforms (such as Amazon) allow the sale of these cards without implementing a sort of "geo-restriction"? It's pretty disappointing and does not give you confidence in making further purchases.
04-28-2024 03:34 AM
I see what you mean and I agrree. You should know before buying.
I only spoke from my experience
I'm not in USA.....I'm from Germany and bought a gift card on amazon Germany.
It's stated in the offer that the gift card is for Germany.
From my knowledge it's on all supported countries like that.
Amazon pages from not supported countries don't offer you the gift card.
But you are right, some addition on amazon.com like "works only in USA" would be nice for customers.......probably it's written somewhere in the smallprints, but honestly, nobody will read that when he wants to buy a gift card.😂
04-28-2024 04:32 AM
From what I read on Reddit, honestly, you are the only one who succeeded in redeeming a card with 16 digits. The other people who did it was from using a VPN to change their location....About the "you should know before buying" statement, I don't agree at all....People buying gift cards are not necessarily gamers and probably know nothing about it. I saw many testimonials that "my grand parents bought me this gift card " etc...
and "somewhere in smallprints....." that's what I meant by "borderline a scam", it totally fits this kind of practice.
04-28-2024 05:02 AM
You misunderstood me....I agree with you.
"people should know before they buy" - meaning - they should see that easily......like me, because it was stated in the offer.
Sorry, for my english.🙄
I don't think, I'm the only one who can redeem a 16 digit code......maybe it's used everywhere in Europe?
But I don't know that for sure and I don't want to argue.🙂
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