12-25-2024 12:23 PM
I bought a 50 usd Gift card for my kid, and again ( second time, this has happen to me) and we tried to redeem it on the app and again , could not do it, no the app, website, try the VPN, because this card was bought on the US and I´m physically in Mexico.
I do not know why this has to be so BAD......................in this time, where everything is digital, you buy everything online, redeem codes, gift cards, redeem games online ....ALWAYS META get the Top SCORE on this issue, always a problem.....
I do not understad how or why this is so difficult to do...you buy a code and just redeem it....
I need help, or i just wasted 50 USD ?!?!?!?!
12-26-2024 08:09 AM
I have noticed this with most online cards now. You have to log into the actual website and redeem the code there. I thought I lost my money too but I had to go to meta.com. If you search redeem code it will send you to the correct page.
12-30-2024 07:15 AM
No luck with the meta admin , we went back and forth so many messages and at the end they could not help me
At That moment I downloaded a VPN app use a US server and try to redeem it on the Meta app and it worked
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