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Meta Quest Link App causing laggy Task Manager on Windows 10

Honored Guest

When running the app, if I enter Task Manager and click on the 'Processes' tab and then the 'Performance' tab, my mouse freezes and Task Manager works really slow. It's even worse when I try to sort the processes. 

I have also noticed that the Meta Quest Link App is not showing up under Programs and Features in Control Panel nor Settings. So to uninstall I had to redownload the app installer from meta to be able to select Unistall, this is not ok!

I tried uninstalling the app in Safe Mode but still got the same result. 

When I ended each task related to 'OVR' as 'OVRRedir.exe', 'OVRServer_x64.exe' and 'OVERServiceLauncher.exe'  under the 'Details' tab, the Task Manager started to work normally.

I then used RAMMap to clear Ram cache but it did not help after running the Meta App again.

However, when I opened up Edge and logged into my google account, as RAMMap cleared the cache, the lag suddenly disappeared. I have no idea how this is related.

System specs:

  • AMD Ryzen 5 5600
  • Kingston Fury 16 gb 3200 MHz DDR4
  • Sapphire Nitro+ RX 6900 XT
  • Samsung 980 Pro 1 TB

Running Windows 10 Pro Version 22H2 and AMD Software Adrenalin 24.12.1.



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