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Meta Quest Link Not Working With Quest 2 (2025)

Honored Guest

I've gone through other threads and tried different solutions, but I've hit a wall.

I have a Metaquest 2, and my Desktop has a 4080 GPU running Windows 11, and "last year" I had link working via a link cable.

I can't get either Air link or cable link to work, but I can get remote desktop to work somehow. On the Desktop app, I get 2 messages. One message is  "Meta Quest Link Isn't Working Correctly, Click here to check our support article",That links to a way to a model number checker that for me doesnt work at all, and nothing else.

The other message is "Some features of the Meta Quest Link platform may be temporarily unavailable. If the issue persists please visit Meta support".

Casting also doesnt work to PC, but it works to my phone. VPN is disabled, and I can see using Glasswire that the firewall is fine.

I've done logout, login, remove and setup device again etc, but nothing.


Honored Guest

Edit. I got the Steam Link app to work, but thats over wifi. Connection is 5ghz router

Honored Guest

I am in the same boat with a Quest 3 and a 4070 Ti Super. Working at the end of last year via link cable, not working this year. No help from support. 80+ emails, 20+ agents, 5+ logs sent, many uninstalls and reinstalls, 1 replacement headset. 

@PromptPirate @mmw2753  just use SteamLink  or Virtual Desktop app to connect the headset to the PC wirelessly. Virtual Desktop can also be wired.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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