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Meta Quest Link Stuck on "Select Your Headset"

Honored Guest

Hi all, 

Been playing VR on my gaming PC for the last couple years with the Quest 2, and recently upgraded to the Quest 3.  I went to connect it to my PC through the Meta Quest Link PC app, but now the PC App is firmly stuck on the "Select Your Headset" page.  When I connect to the PC via Airlink in the headset, it loads a grey infinite space with the letters "Your device setup is still in progress. Please take off your headset and continue with setup on the Meta Quest Link app on your computer".   But the Quest Link app gives no prompts and won't move past the "Select Your Headset" screen.  I tried reconnecting my Quest 2, and it has the same problem. 

I uninstalled the Quest Link app, deleted all occulus folders from the %appdata% folders, redownloaded and reinstalled the Quest Link app, and it's always stuck on the same place.  No idea what I'm doing wrong, or why it's getting "stuck."  When the headset is connected in the "Your device setup is still in progress" mode in the infinite grey plane, Steam VR can detect it as a device.  I'm at a complete loss.  


Accepted Solutions

Honored Guest

So for those interested I figured it out:

I had recently connected to a different large display, and the display settings were causing the "Next" button in the headset selection page to be hidden.  I reset my text from 150% to 100% briefly and moved the window, this caused it to resize and make the "Next" button clickable. 
Unfortunately, once I did that, every time I tried to load Link the headset would be stuck with the loading screen, and never connect. I upgraded all graphics and windows drivers, nothing helped. 
After hours of digging I found this reddit thread, suggesting upgrading my Redistributables.  This finally fixed it and I'm PC VRing again.

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Honored Guest

So for those interested I figured it out:

I had recently connected to a different large display, and the display settings were causing the "Next" button in the headset selection page to be hidden.  I reset my text from 150% to 100% briefly and moved the window, this caused it to resize and make the "Next" button clickable. 
Unfortunately, once I did that, every time I tried to load Link the headset would be stuck with the loading screen, and never connect. I upgraded all graphics and windows drivers, nothing helped. 
After hours of digging I found this reddit thread, suggesting upgrading my Redistributables.  This finally fixed it and I'm PC VRing again.

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