4 weeks ago
VR Device: Meta Quest 3
PC Device: ROG Strix G713IC
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H with Radeon Graphics 2.90 GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU GDDR6 @ 4GB (128 bits)
It shows black screen when I try to open desktop in meta quest link(OVRserver_x64.exe setted to high performance due to the low performance issue with laggy).
I got laggy while using meta quest link, so I tried change the setting in DebugTool(not worked),
Change the Graphics preference into low Renderer resolution(worked a liitle bit)
Disable the iGPU which is Radeon Graphics(got worse), then enable the iGPU(still low performance)
I was aware of that the low performance issue caused by meta link didn't run on my NVIDIA GPU, every time I open meta quest link, the iGPU always has been used fully. So I navigated into graphics settings and added all relative meta apps to custom option and change the performance into high performance. Then the Low Performance Issue fixed perfectly, but I got black screen issue of virtual desktop. I revert the OVRserver_x64.exe to power saving and black screen issue is fixed but the low performance issue occurs.
It seems meta quest link didn't work property with the right GPU while I can go into desktop through meta quest link.
And it influence my VR game developing in unity with meta all-in-one SDK(I can't dive into virtual world after hitting playmode). I also had everything setted up(e.g. Open the developer mode in meta quest link) . So please help me in this issue, the final goal I wanted is I can open the scene in Unity which used meta all-in-one SDK through meta quest link. But fix the black screen issue will be the first step. Thanks to everyone checked my message, I'm waiting for your answer.
3 weeks ago
I recently had the same problem with my new laptop "OMEN Transcend Laptop 16". I tried all the possible fixes I found on the internet, but with the AIR Link application and SteamVR there was a desktop black screen. Nothing helped. Finally, luck smiled at me and I found an error and it was in the BIOS of this laptop. I had the option selected for the graphics adapter "NVIDIA Optimus" in the Bios. I changed - I selected the option - "Discrete" and everything started working.
3 weeks ago
Thanks for sharing the experience! I was also trying to fix something on Bios but I don't remember if there was a NVIDIA Optimus could let me change. I'll confirm this later, thanks a lot!
3 weeks ago
I could never get my MSI GF65 laptop to show my desktop through the airlink oculus home screen. same black screen. But it works fine through the remote desktop app for some reason.
Remote Desktop on Meta Quest | Quest VR games | Meta Store
Also awesome feature with win11 that you can just look at your keyboard trough your headset and be option to open remote desktop shows up automatically.
3 weeks ago
Thanks for sharing this app! I have no idea if the app can help me build my game in Unity or not(I'm currently using virtual desktop but it can't let me build my game with Meta SDK), I will try the app if the screen didn't working well after I tried settings in bios, thanks a lot!
3 weeks ago
no problem. I figured this might not be your issue. I dont know why but for me I cant project my desktop in the vanilla airlink oculus interface. But I have no proble doing up to 3 big screens on this app. there is a walkthrough if you google on how to make your headset recognize your pc for instant desktop projection on your headset.. hope that helps. I have no idea about development.
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