01-06-2025 09:04 AM
Hello all!
I've spent the past two days pulling my hair on this issue:
I have a reasonably powerful laptop (i9 from 2020 and RTX 2070, 32GB of ram, hundreds of GB on scratch disk) and Photoshop generally runs extremely well, except when meta Quest Link (the VR headset app) is installed on my computer. If Meta Quest is installed, even when photoshop is the only thing running, with all Oculus Services turned off in System Configuration, Photoshop is extremely laggy with the most basic of tasks (round brush on a 2k canvas), and draws 100% CPU and GPU for that. It's a bummer since I use both to create images and CG assets, and would very much like to have them both live together happily.
Everything was working fine for the past 3 years, and only since last week has this issue popped up.
Ive tried:
- Clean windows install
- Tested every photoshop version available through CC
- Every step detailed here https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/troubleshoot-gpu-graphics-card.html
- Every configuration imaginable of Nvidia control panel to allocate the GPU to photoshop
- Deactivating the intel gpu so only the 2070 runs
- All drivers and Windows updates are up to date (tested both Game and Studio Nvidia drivers already)
None of these showed any improvement, the only fix Ive found is to uninstall Meta Quest, and Photoshop is happy again and runs fine (I dont even need to restart the computer). However, I need both to work on my computer.
Extremely frustrating, even more since this is a new issue that never occured before. I used to be able to juggle between Photoshop, Blender, and VR tools in headset, all open, with no issues whatsoever.
If anything similar has happened to any of you, any ideas or pointers would be much appreciated! Thank you
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Hi there,
Thank you for sharing your detailed experience. It sounds like you've already tried several troubleshooting steps. Here are a few additional suggestions that might help resolve the conflict between the Meta/Oculus Quest Link software and your Nvidia graphics card:
Update Nvidia Drivers: Ensure that your Nvidia drivers are fully up to date. Sometimes, the latest drivers can resolve compatibility issues.
Set High Performance in Nvidia Control Panel: Open the Nvidia Control Panel, go to Manage 3D Settings, and set the Oculus application (OculusClient.exe) to use the high-performance Nvidia GPU.
Disable Meta Virtual Monitor: Since disabling the Meta Virtual Monitor in the Device Manager resolved the lag, you might want to keep it disabled. However, ensure that your system is stable without it.
Check Oculus Debug Tool Settings: Use the Oculus Debug Tool to ensure that settings like Mobile ASW, Link Sharpening, and Asynchronous Spacewarp are disabled. Set the Encoded Dynamic Bitrate to Enabled and Distortion Curvature to Low.
Reinstall Oculus Software: Uninstall and then reinstall the Oculus software to ensure there are no corrupted files.
We hope one of these steps helps resolve the issue! Let us know if you need further assistance or have any other questions.
Thank you.
3 weeks ago
Hi there, We are just checking if you still need our help ?
We hope one of these steps helps resolve the issue!
Let us know if you need further assistance or have any other questions.
3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
for now disabling the Meta Virtual Monitor has fixed the problem in Photoshop. However I don't know if games and applications requiring the Quest Link to work in PCVR (like Lone Echo for example) will launch and work with this desactivation.
3 weeks ago
Hi there,
Thank you for your feedback. We understand that this would be a temporary solution to your problem where you would disable the Meta Virtual Monitor. When needed to use your games and applications, you would need to re-enable it as it would present your PC display to the Meta Quest link.
We would also suggest to create a bug report so this would go straight to our engineering team so they are made aware of these kind of problems. Also we recommend getting in touch with the developers of any other programs that are giving issues.
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