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Meta Quest Link stuck on loading screen. Not even logged in yet.

Honored Guest

Meta Quest Link (MQL) installed and loaded fine, start up the app and it just sits and spins. Didn't even get to login in yet. Then if you check Task Manager, you can see OculusClient.exe started 7 times, with "Oculus" and then OculusClient.exe loading 4 times under each one. So that's 35 instances of OculusClient running. That can't be good. MQL will sometimes show the log in for about 6 seconds. If I click the top one, it takes me to my Meta Page for logging in to my account. If I click the second "Log In", it pops to a "enter email and password" page, but before I can even type in 2 letters, it just disappears.
I've had the Oculus working fine on another PC, but needed to switch it to my laptop, so it's not my first time doing this. I checked the minimum requirements, I'm good there (Dell Latitude 5400, 16GB RAM). I got this laptop JUST for Oculus. That is the ONLY reason I have this laptop and I can't get it to work. I put in a new hard drive, loaded Windows 11, Steam and then tried loading MQL. Nothing else is installed.
I'm using the cable, also tried Air Link. There was a very brief moment I saw the laptop pop up for the Oculus to connect to, but it didn't, even though the MQL never loaded.
I know that's a lot, but figured I'd lay out what I have going on.
Very disappointing, but any help is appreciated!


Honored Guest

A week now...anyone??


@Randizzle67  have you tried using the SteamLink or Virtual Desktop apps to connect your laptop to the headset wirelessly?

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

I have not. I have a couple of purchases through Meta (like Beat Saber with a whole bunch of DLC), that I really don't want to lose. I haven't tried either one, and was hoping to not pay $15 for Desktop.
I did log out of the previous PC, so I wouldn't think there'd be a conflict there. I can try the SteamLink now, and maybe that'll help.

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