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Meta Quest Pro Controllers Wont Update


I got my oculus quest 2 back in 2021, ever since its been going fine and dandy. here recently i broke my right hand quest 2 controller. so i went to the oculus website and ordered some brand new meta quest pro controllers. they came in, i unboxed them. and paired them to my headset just fine. but inside the headset, i keep getting a notification saying

"Controller update in progress.

Left (0%) Right (0%)"

I waited about 20 minutes, it was still at 0. so i took off the headset and let it update for about 2 hours. still at 0%. so i searched up why... I Found that many people are currently having this problem, and even people had problems in 2022. So i looked for a fix. Went through many reddit posts, meta post, heck even TikTok posts. all meta themselves has been saying is to "Press A then the Oculus button and hold". they told me to hard reset the controllers, factory reset the controllers. heck they even told me to Factory reset the headset. so i did those things at least 30 times each, still nothing. I've contacted support and they were 0 help. all they told me to do was factory reset the controllers and headset. still didn't work. Its annoying that many people have spent dang near 300$ on a piece of plastic that does nothing. Meta Please fix this.

If ANYBODY has a fix to this stupid problem, Please reply to this with the steps.






Contact Meta themselves. they told me to send them back and they will send me new ones, they said that because apparently the techs told them to send new ones on december 30th. i sent mine in.

wish me luck

I have the same problem connecting my pro controllers to my quest 2 headset. Support said the same thing pair, un-pair, factory reset the controllers, the headset which again i have done many times over. Still get the same error message. Controller update in progress. Left 0%, Right 0%, leave it for a while and it still has the same message. So at present they said to send them back and ill see if my replacements will work (not really holding my breath!).

i sent them to meta, got brand new ones. still wont work.

yeah same here, got some replacements and guess what still the same message, Controller update in progress. Left 0%, Right 0%. Clearly they do not work for quest 2 or there is a problem with the software system. Will send them back and get a refund.

Expert Trustee

@JaidensOculus  a quick search in the forums reveals an issue with the updates and  potential cures without having to send them back.

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Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

The sad thing is, I have tried those "potential cures" and suggestions from the support team, but it seems to just stick to the same message "Controller update in progress. Left 0%, Right 0%." that appears every few seconds and nothing seem to move beyond the 0% mark. Also tried taking a screen of this notification message but it blacked it out from the screen shot. All in all these controllers are not cheap (£240) and I cannot wait for them to fix whatever system problem they have so trying to send them back for a refund.  do you know anyone with a quest pro headset?

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

sadly no I don't no anyone with a "quest pro headset", I currently have a quest 2 headset.

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