12-17-2024 08:13 PM
I'm a new owner of a Meta Quest 3 with the latest firmware and have been watching the Faceless Lady on Meta Quest TV. I've been thoroughly enjoying watching the first two episodes. Today, I started to watch a new episode, but the video was unwatchable because it appeared to be zoomed so far in that the image was pixelated and split throughout the room with the primary image covering my ceiling as well as my floor. It's like the 180 degree video was being "projected" as a zoomed 360 degree video. I checked the other videos on Meta Quest TV and they are all doing the same thing. I've tried a factory reset, but that didn't help. How do I get this corrected? I've seen many posts about videos suddenly being "zoomed in" too far on the Quest, but haven't seen any resolutions. Please help. Thanks!
12-18-2024 07:14 PM
Well, today MQ TV is working properly. The only thing that I did since yesterday was to watch some videos in other apps, mainly YouTube and the "Browser" app. I suspect that MQ TV might retain the VR setting of the last video played in another app. But who knows for sure???
12-18-2024 10:40 PM
I have the same problem with MQTV. It started yesterday with the latest update. I am seeing the videos being played on a 6-sided wall like cube or they play in really bad pixilated 3D. If I try to cache the video first - well, all I get is an error message that Oculus is experiencing technical issues. I will try you tube next and see what that does.
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