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Meta Quest Touch Pro Controllers - update firmware stuck at 0%

Honored Guest
I bought new Meta Quest Touch Pro controllers for my Quest 3 headset.
After successfully pairing them in the mobile app, I started having trouble with the headset.
I get a message saying "Controller update in progress. Right 0% Left 0%" and the controllers are not working.
The LEDs on the controllers are flashing purple. After a few hours, nothing happens. I am still stuck at 0%.
There is any solution of this problem?
Meta Support was not helpful. After asking a few questions, they want me to return the controllers.
Controllers FV is now: 1.4.14
Quest 3 FV is now: v72


@m4RKo  a quick search of this forum using the search bar at the top of the page will give you a couple of fixes that may work to get the controllers updating again.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

There is some logs from MQDH:



@m4RKo  this is just a user forum, if you need any official assistance, click on the link and 'send a message, and cross your fingers.

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Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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