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Meta Support Concern & Solution

Honored Guest
Hello, this is really confusing.
So in short, I tried contacting meta support, I assume that Meta is associated with all facebook and Instagram?
In this case, meta support is clearly dysfunctional/no human support at all.
In case problems like me/this exist, like my account being hacked ,etc.
So in short, if there are problems like this / hacked account, then its game over for my account?
there is no solution? how if its credit card issues, like i kept on getting billed is there someone who has this problem?
My account was unauthorized by unknown user both my google and youtube account, but thats another story as they have human support who can help me.
But for facebook and Instagram, if there is problem like this arises, that means its game over and no solution?
Can anyone at least have their experience hands on with meta/facebook support and get into a real scenario solution?
Thank you before anyone who is reading or intend to reply this.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Andy, 

We're so sorry to hear that this has happened to you, and that you've had such a difficult time getting assistance. 


Here, we handle queries related to Meta Quest devices and accounts. For queries related to Instagram and Facebook accounts, we would encourage you to redirect your queries to their help centers, as they would be the best teams for the job. You can find Facebook help here, and Instagram help here


If you require any further assistance, you are always more than welcome to message us privately and we will do our very best to help. If we can't find a solution for you, we will most certainly help you to find a team who can. 


If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

How can i message meta support privately? any links or so? I cant .. simply cant contact meta support, there is just no option, its greyed out, i dont get any solutions, i wanted to talk to real humans about this problem

Honored Guest

Instagram, unlock me.Can you help with me , you team support

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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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