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Meta app stuck on ' Headset Connected '

Honored Guest

I have searched absolutely everywhere for this issue however all suggestions and troubleshoots have come to no avail. Here is what I have tried:

  • Restarting my iPhone and Oculus Quest 2 Headset and then tried again to pair it to the app
  • Deleted the meta app and then reinstalling it
  • Double checked my storage
  • Factory reset my Headset

All of these where the "solutions" to this issue however it still persists. I try to pair my headset on my meta app to the headset, it scans before saying 'headset connected' however it just sits there at that screen. Many many people have had the same issue as me similarly without resolve and I think its time to put this to bed. How on earth can this be solved?


Not a new headset

First time issue has arisen

No know damage to the headset

No damage to iPhone's Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities

Standard WI-FI, not a dual one

No issues with WI-FI

Iphone has 1.5G of space





Honored Guest

It is worth noting that it even comes up in my iPhone bluetooth as connected.

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