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Meta boot loop NOT SOLVED

Honored Guest

As a lot of user I’m experiencing the boot loop after a green status bar gets full i only can see the meta logo again and again, it’s unacceptable that a 700+ usd device just stop working. 
Meta it’s not providing solution because I’m from Mexico.



@Amigrifo  have you tried factory resetting the headset?

try the meta update tool -

or this software updating method - 

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Did you have the same problem and solve it like that? Cause I already tried every option in the boot menu, including side loading a new version. Still don’t solve it.

Have you let the battery fully die then attempt a factory reset?

I know just enough about tech to look like I know what I'm doing.

@Amigrifo  I had a boot loop issue and nothing I did would fix it. Eventually I removed the inner faceplate and the outer faceplate and disconnected the battery from the PCB. Held down all of the buttons to discharge any capacitors and then reassembled it. This got my headset working. It may not work for you. 

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

I read it worked on quest 2. Did you tried ok quest 3?

@Amigrifo  no, I only tried it on Quest 2. It may also work on Quest 3.  There may be VR repair services like 'fix my oculus' in Mexico

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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