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Meta failed a replacement promise!

Honored Guest

Here is the warning to anyone considering buying anything from Meta. 

we experienced a very common problem of Quest2 Controller experiencing drift, Upon searching on Meta’s website I found that they are offering a paid replacement for parts out of warranty. I created an RMA and send them my controller. It has been about three weeks and many emails back-and-forth (Because they don’t offer any other mode of support). Meta cannot charge my card (I provided the numbers for four different credit cards and one debit card - All of them are working just fine otherwise), they said there is some kind of an issue with my account and no matter what cannot provide me with any update or timeline or any other information except for the fake apologies and offers to wait longer. Upon researching, it seems that I am not the only one experiencing that and I’m looking into the class action lawsuit against them. 
buyer beware do not waste your money. 

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