12-12-2024 08:04 PM
I have two head sets, with two accounts. Both were purchased with quest+. Meta horizon allows you to activate both on one app. Renounced to me, you activate quest plus too, but the account only has ONE subscription, not two, and not extended. So I paid two years for nothing basically.
Meta has been the most aweful company to get help from. They don't speak English, when I give them all the details, they say they can't do anything. Even though I paid for it, and got nothing. They always say they will escalate it....and then I get an email asking if its been resolved, I reply, and nothing.
I feel they are waiting for the 30 days to be up. Has anyone encountered this and what did you do?
I am going to file a federal report with the US consumer protection division, and my state's attorney generals office as this is fraud. You can charge someone, then not give them (or refund them) for what they paid for just because. Meta is an aweful company. If not resolved, I'll return everything just before the 30 days. But this is the most aweful experience I've elver had with a company. They are too big and hopefully broken up soon!!
12-27-2024 01:05 PM
I am in a similar situation. I purchased two headsets, with two bundles for warranty and quest+. The quest+ should be assigned to the headset, but it appears that its assigned to my account. So just like you, I now only have 1 subscription to the Quest+, but I paid for 2.
I've tried to reach out to customer service for help, but theres no one to talk to, only email and/or chat. its quite frustrating TBH. They gave me a case number, but I have no way of seeing the case status anywhere on the devices, or my accounts... only through emails, which makes dealing with customer service a nightmare because nothing can get resolved quickly.
12-27-2024 01:43 PM - edited 12-27-2024 01:47 PM
And sadly, you won't. They keep kicking the can down the road till the 30 day return is up and they make free money. They give no solutions and they do NOT answer any gov inquiries like the BBB or state attorney generals offices. They are aweful.
I returned mine. I was over meta. They are so aweful, it's almost just a scam.
My brother, he had the same issue, so he returned his, held onto it.....ordered a new one, set that up on its own account entirely. Then sent the old one back.
Meta makes $$$ on not telling you the truth or how (or how not) to do anything. Each headset needs its own account with its own email. Unless you are getting a used set with ni warranty or Meta+, then you can add that to the horizon app with another one.
So if you can, start a return for the headset that isnt getting what you paid for on,, order another one, get that one, send the "old" one back.
MAKE SURE the return (which is VERY FRUSTRATING IF YOU DONT KNOW, uses the serial number from the BOX, NOT the headset. It's the box that has the serial number you will need, and return in that same box.
Meta does this intentionally to ensure they don't have to refund money, if the headset is in the wrong box, and you do not get it back. So essentially, they keep all your money and you got nothing. So make sure that is accurate.
If you are past the 30 day return, and you purchased on a credit card, dispute it. Make sure you capture meta saying they can not honor the subscription and you won't get it. Then submit your purchase receipt and meta also saying you won't get what you paid for. If you financed thru Affirm, they will let you dispute and do the same. Either way, do NOT let Meta screw you out of your money, because that's what they do and who they are.
12-27-2024 02:09 PM
Hi @K.Fam9812, thank you for reaching out to us.
We'd love to look into this for you. Would you mind sending us a private message so that we can gather some more information regarding your case?
You can do so by going to our profile page or by clicking here.
Hope to hear from you soon!
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