01-13-2025 06:57 AM
I have not been able to use my Meta Quest 3 since the middle of December. I've spent a couple of weeks emailing back and forth with support in what could have been a 15-minute phone conversation. Then concluded my right controller needs to be replaced. It doesn't power on or do anything. It's been 12 days since they told me they would email me a prepaid label. I've contacted them daily via email and chat, but there is still no label. Not to mention that before all this started I was having issues with my left controller and they are only replacing the right one. So I'm doomed to go through this all over again for my left controller once I receive a working right controller and can test that my left controller is still having issues. Right now I can't use the quest at all because it wants me to pair the right controller before doing anything.
Has anyone had any luck with support and getting issues resolved? I feel like I've been scammed.
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