01-07-2025 12:09 PM
Hi today I completed a factory reset on the headset as advised online not on the app. I have tried to reconnect my phone to the oculus Meta quest and I cannot get past the safety video now I’ve had tech support on chat and they have told me that I need a new headset. I shouldn’t have factory reset the headset which I find ridiculous as it was working fine until I did that just wondered if anybody on here can help
01-07-2025 12:54 PM
quest 1 safety video - Google Search
01-07-2025 01:11 PM
What it is? Is I need to watch the safety video but on the safety video screen the arrows just keep going round in a circle and the video doesn’t pop up which means I cannot connect my phone to the matter quest and then carry on
01-07-2025 01:21 PM
@speshdh9 read the third post down in the link provided.
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