12-25-2024 08:16 AM
Hi opened my sons brand new and sealed meta quest 2 this morning for his main Christmas present. Switched it on it fired up straight away going through the settings like a breeze no issues connected to Wi-Fi etc. then a pop up to update it so I did. From there disaster strikes it finished the update then the screen went black on but black so I thought leave it be, we went out for lunch 3 hrs later came home still black. My son crying. So searched your site for help. Followed instructions ( hold volume dwn and power button) till boot menu and factory reset. So I did that got to were there was a chip with a green bar at bottom when the bar was full it switched itself off, so I tried switching it back on an hour later to get nothing won’t switch on no led to show it’s charging nothing how can your update do this to a brand new and sealed quest 2 ?? It was working fine until I pressed the button to update please help. I’ve tried holding power button for 30 - 60 secs nothing
12-25-2024 08:28 AM
There are many other individuals going through the same issues, it does sound like they have pushed a software update that has in essence "bricked" many headsets, it is almost certain that they will push an update which will fix this and/or offer replacement headset due to consumer protection laws (available on my past post history) and optics from the media.
If you need any further help, you can always contact me directly or merely reply to this message!
For now, I would advise just contacting the META support account HERE (Click me)
If you've found this useful, feel free to leave a kudos so I know which solutions provide solutions!
12-25-2024 08:34 AM
Thank you I’ll contact support now
12-25-2024 08:50 AM
I am experiencing this same exact issue. How can an update fix this if the unit won’t do anything?
12-25-2024 09:04 AM
Omg, we are having the same issue !! It’s dealt with numerous occulus headsets and have had to factory reset them before and never had this issue. Thought I was going mad and it was a duff headset, but it seems this is a larger issue ! I don’t understand why the update would affect the charging ability though ? But we have experienced the exact same issues as you !
12-25-2024 09:07 AM
Just been told by support to try the update tool I’ll let you know how it goes
12-25-2024 09:09 AM
@F1acky @backpackingbabe.2023 @EdgyKangaroo3033 unfortunately, you are part of a large group of people being affected by this issue. -
12-25-2024 09:11 AM
We're having the same issue with the 2 we bought, kids are gutted it was their only present each. Meta support have been useless, they'll send us replacements, but they're refurbished ones, I paid for new, I want new but they won't listen, and they won't get then til after new year now either
12-25-2024 09:34 AM
@jadine1988 you have legal options if you read this thread -
Re: Unacceptable Response to Software Update Break... - Page 3 - Meta Community Forums - 1273736
12-25-2024 09:35 AM
Thankyou, will go look now
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Tips and Tricks: Charging your Meta Quest Headset