07-06-2024 02:56 AM - last edited on 07-16-2024 09:37 AM by TheLegend27
Meta quest 3 air-link is laggingg and image parsing on my pc. My pc features is 4060 8 gb, R5 5500, 16gb ram but i am live a problems, but not living problems on my brother rx580, R5 5500 pc i think problem on my gpu settings or gpu. (my english not very good)
07-09-2024 10:02 PM - last edited on 07-16-2024 08:48 AM by TheLegend27
Hi there, @Yusuf190700! We certainly want to help make sure your PCVR experience is seamless, so we appreciate you bringing this Air Link lagging issue to our attention! To help us get a better grasp of what might be causing this, we have a few questions and troubleshooting steps we'd like you to go through. When you get the chance, please answer and try out the following:
07-10-2024 05:14 AM
The problem has existed since the first time I used air-link and yes, i checked my pc is recommended features and 5ghz 100mb upload/download wifi but i have problems on air-link. i tried air-link on my brother rx580 r5 5500 pc but not have any problems and yes
my pc features:
gpu: 4060 8gb vram
cpu: R5 5500
ram: 16gb
07-10-2024 05:20 AM
Your PC specs are good for Air Link, so the lag is likely due to connection or software issues. Here's what to check: WiFi: Make sure you're on a 5GHz network with a strong signal close to the router. Avoid using a mesh network and consider a wired connection for your PC if possible. Software: Update your graphics drivers and Meta Quest software. Check for any background programs using bandwidth. Air Link settings: Try lowering the resolution and bitrate in the Oculus Debug Tool to reduce workload. Search online for "Air Link lag fix" and "Oculus Debug Tool."
07-10-2024 11:54 AM - last edited on 07-16-2024 09:00 AM by TheLegend27
Thank you for taking the time to help our fellow Quest community member, @Flowace! You're right, the PC does appear to meet the requirements to use Air Link, and those were all great suggestions. With that said, we'd like to build off of that, so we kindly ask that you, @Yusuf190700, complete the following and let us know if you're able to connect to Air Link:
Repair the Meta Quest PC Application:
This is accessed by re-running the Meta Quest setup file. If the setup file detects that Meta Quest Home has been installed, partially or fully, Repair will appear in the list as an option. Repair is unlikely to address any app-specific or error messages related to hardware components.
Install the latest Meta Quest drivers:
Other helpful tools and pages:
We hope this helps!
07-11-2024 12:14 PM
Hey, we wanted to check back in here to see if you needed any further assistance. Please don't hesitate to hit us up!
07-12-2024 07:42 AM
thx for helping but dosen't work
07-12-2024 07:45 AM
thx helping but not worked
07-12-2024 03:22 PM
Thank you for giving those steps a try @Yusuf190700. In order for us to look into this further, we would like to collect your Meta Quest PC logs. Since these would contain detailed information about your computer, please reach out to us from our Profile Page. Click our username and click "View Profile", then click "Send a message" and we will move forward from there to help keep things secure.
07-15-2024 01:13 PM
I've been waiting for 3 days but I still haven't received an email, I also checked my spam box.
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