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Meta quest 3 bundle batman

Honored Guest

We purchased a meta-quest 3 bundle with the Batman game and are unable to download it. It keeps offering it to us with a purchase. It’s supposed to be included. We purchased the quest 3 new. It never prompted me to redeem or download when I linked it to our already existing account he had previously had a quest 2.


Rising Star

Did you check promotions in the meta app?


More details:

I know just enough about tech to look like I know what I'm doing.


Hi @notpika_vr 🙂

have you tried the steps from the guide?

Redeem your Meta Quest app, game or subscription promotion | Quest help 

Also, Batman has age restrictions - different across the countries, in my country it's 18+ - does his age meet the age restriction in your country?

If the steps from the link above don't work and you can't redeem the game although his age meet the age restriction, ask support for help.

Send a PM @MetaQuestSupport 

click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "sed message" button.


Honored Guest

Nothing has helped and cannot get in touch with anybody or find a location. Where do you get in touch with anybody

Click HERE there is a big blue "send message" button.

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