3 weeks ago
Just bought a meta-quest three went to go set it up and during set up and wanted to update that it wanted to update the controllers so I let it do it, but it just sits here in the controller is vibrate and the screen is blank and it just sits here for hours so I reset the **bleep** thing And that made it even worse because then I couldn’t access anything so I finally got it hard. reset wiped it started it over and it. The **bleep** thing is doing the same thing again. The controllers are vibrating, but nothing is happening. It’s connected to Wi-Fi. Reconnected to the app, but it’s just sitting there, vibrating the controllers and flashing the lights and not doing anything And I can’t sit here with the thing on my head for 100 **bleep** hours waiting for it to update or do whatever it’s doing so I take it off then it turns off and it doesn’t finish what it’s supposed to do. I’m like seriously thinking about just taking it back Not worth the 500 bucks or 640 that I spent at Walmart for it
I have had this exact problem, word for word, in the order you experienced. Controllers buzzing, screen is blank...app tells me it's updating...and nothing is happening. I am OOW by about 3 months when this first happened, after turning the headset on for the first time in a long time. Meta support on whatsapp tried everything, then offered me refurbs....but YOUR UPDATE BROKE MY HEADSET. I will now smash my headset on tiktok and explain to everyone why...
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