01-19-2025 01:22 AM
So, I played Pavlov Shack yesterday, pretty fun, and it got to 5 precent at around 21:00. I put it to charge, and checked the battery at around 00:00, it was on 34 precent. Please help
01-19-2025 01:50 AM
@PROboszcz112212 First thing is you should avoid dragging your battery below 20% or you could end up damaging it. If you need longer runtimes I suggest you get an external battery and use your Q3 charging cable. I use a Romoss 10000mahr 30watt pack I got from Amazon and it works great with my Q3.
For now I suggest fully power down then leave it charging overnight. Hopefully it will fully charge, if not, contact meta support I guess. Good luck mate and cheers.
01-19-2025 02:18 AM
If it will fully charge, what then?
01-19-2025 04:31 AM
@PROboszcz112212 If it ends up fully charging just use it like you normally would. Just don’t let it run down so much in the future.
01-19-2025 06:59 AM
I asked support, the solution: Rebooting the device.
01-19-2025 08:57 AM
We had that happen and it wasn’t fully connected on the magnetic pieces. It was a bit off and then we also wiped the connection pieces, connected it again and off it went.
good luck!
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