a month ago
I bought a meta quest 3s from currys for my son for Christmas. On Christmas day while trying to adjust the strap the part where it connects to the headset broke. I went back to currys to say it broke and needed it repaired. They weren't helpful at all, and told me the serial number on the device and the box doesn't match so they probably can't help me, I was understandably very angry as I paid alot of money for it. They called back a few days later and apologised about the serial number and said all of the devices they have don't match the box, but still can't fix it for me.
I don't know what to do as I've phoned a few places and nobody can repair it, and a gift I bought my child for Christmas and spent alot of money on is now laying around and can't be used.
a month ago - last edited a month ago
@skappie666 you were sold an item with a known defect. UK law states that they either replace it under the curry's warranty or give you a full refund.
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